I was born in Shi'ah family, and thus I am also a Shi'ah. Once a friend of mine, who is a Sunni, taunted me, that Shi'ahs do Zina and name it Mut'ah (I call him friend because he showed a way to such a good thing). At that time I did not know about it, as no one ever told about. I researched on it and now I know that Nikaul Mut'ah is legal thing and should be practiced as it is a blessing on Muslims but Allah Almighty. The following blog proves this thing:
Prohibition by Hazrat Muhammad (S) (Part 2)
Most Sunni argue that this hadith unambiguously proves the prohibition of
Mut'a. This is mostly due to the hadith being included in the Two Sahihs:
Sahi Mu...
16 years ago